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Progress bar


ElementPropertyColor token
LabelText color$text-primary
Helper textText color$text-helper
Bar: activeBackground$border-interactive
Bar: successBackground$support-success
Icon: successFill$support-success
Bar: errorBackground$support-error
Icon: errorFill$support-error
Progress bar status colors

Status colors

Progress bar status colors

Progress bar colors for light themes

Progress bar status colors

Progress bar colors for dark themes


The width and height of a popover container can vary depending on the amount of content within it. We recommend to not exceed a popover width size of four columns.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Label14px / 0.875remRegular/400$label-01
Helper text12px / 0.75remRegular/400$helper-text-01


Progress bar can have two ways for text alignment. The first one has text aligned left with progress bar and the second one has text aligned to the middle of the progress bar. The width of a progress bar can be customized appropriately for its context. The minimum width of a progress bar is 48px and keep its width to a maximum of six columns when possible.

ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Label (top aligned)Padding-bottom8/.5$spacing-03
Helper textPadding-top8/0.5$spacing-03
Label (left aligned)Padding-right16/1$spacing-05
Structure and spacing measurements for a popover container.

Structure and spacing measurements a popover container. | px / rem


There are two sizes for the progress bar height, default and small.

SizeHeight px / rem
Default8 / 0.5
Small4 / 0.25
Structure and spacing measurements between a popover container and trigger button.

Structure and spacing measurements between a popover container and trigger button. | px / rem